Monday, 23 May 2011

Rugby League Journal - Fartown's last chance

An article about the Fartown Ground appeared in Issue 35 of Rugby League Journal.

This is an extract from that article:

'I had been to games at Fartown when it was packed for a Cup Semi Final, and I had also been there when, if you spent a few minutes looking around the ground you could have counted far less than five hundred people. My main memories of Fartown are watching fairly dour games, in murky weather, when Bradford Northern were the visitors. I would have caught the bus to Huddersfield got off on Leeds Road, and walked up Hillhouse Lane and through the back streets of Fartown to what was quite an imposing ground. There was a main stand that stretched the length of the pitch, and opposite that a very impressive terrace from the top of which you had a view of the action, quite unique in rugby league.
If you visit Fartown today, you can still conjure up memories of how things were when professional rugby league was played there. The steep bank that was once the terrace is still there, although rapidly being reclaimed by nature. The fence around the pitch and the floodlight pylons also remain, but there is an air of decay about the place. The once grand facility is now vandalised with graffiti and broken pitch barriers, and despite the pitch and posts being visible testaments to a glorious past, Fartown gives the impression that its heritage and part in rugby league history has largely been forgotten.'

I visited Fartown prior to writing the article and below are a number of photographs of the ground as it looked in 2011.

You knew you had arrived at Fartown when you saw this monument

The remaining turnstile

The Rugby League Journal Magazine is published quarterly check out the website

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