Thursday, 26 April 2012

Leeds Chirons 2012

 Leeds Chirons 1st XV in 1966
Five of this team will be attending the 2012 Reunion to be held at The Whitehouse, in Roundhay, on Wednesday 16th May

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Let Them Play By All Means - Review

A great review on

A Must read for Rugby Union Followers.6 April 2012
Bought for me as a birthday gift. Fascinating history of Rugby Union played through the war years. As a member of one of the clubs featured (BAILDON) added interest.However the main well written well documentated historical facts remain for me the true value of this book. An insight into the games played Union V League wartime fixture, another great feature. Great buy, pity not a hard back. Donald A. Clark. Northern Highlands.
Thanks Mr Clark

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Pocklington Schools Cup 1941

These boys had taken part in a schools rugby competition played at Pocklington Rugby Club during World War Two. This photograph appears in 'Let Them Play By All Means'. I think that the players' kit and the clothes the spectators on the photograph are wearing really reflect the 1940s.
I would like to thank Phil Gilbank from Pocklington Rugby Club for allowing me to use this photograph.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Rugby League in Rotherham

After Rotherham Rangers was formed on 5th April 1977 three friendlies were played, mainly to gauge interest. The club then began preparations of its first season in the West Yorkshire League.
The first official game played by Rotherham Rangers took place on 18th September 1977 at Thomas Rotherham College, it was a local derby against Sheffield Concord.

This is the team that represented Rotherham.

Back Row Left to Right
Ted Pickering, Kevin Parlett, Mike Mc Loughlin, Steve Wilmott, Dave Henshaw, Tony Lidster, Sam Mara, Kevin Ceaser, John Essex
Front Row Left to Right
Paul Mortimer, Fred Toyne, Jim Abrahams, Stuart Sheard, Alf Davies, Ray Bramham

Rotherham won the game 33 - 25